2014 Black Friday Deals QVS Micro-USB Sync & Charger Cable for Smartphone & Tablet Right Now
QVS Micro-USB Sync & Charger Cable for Smartphone & Tablet is seriously an excellent gadgets at the awesome price, worth every cent. Actually happy. Hot Deal QVS Micro-USB Sync & Charger Cable for Smartphone & Tablet
Price : $12.49 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : QVS
Merchant : Overstock.com
Product ID : ab222fedba632f9253923975fc108d3f
Rating :
In the case that you are certainly looking to ordering product at an extremely good high quality together with a reasonable budget plan. We very recommended this QVS Micro-USB Sync & Charger Cable for Smartphone & Tablet is among leading quality and additional prominent item product that you are looking for. Also if you learn it very carefully concerning item information, attributes and helpful customer assessments, of course you should not refuse to buy it one. You can take a look at the latest price via the hyperlink here.
QVS Micro-USB Sync & Charger Cable for Smartphone & Tablet Description
Connects smartphone and tablet with Micro-USB port to your computer. It can also be used to sync and/or charge thru USB port. Also works with USB AC power outlet for charging your devices. Supports power charge current up to 2.1amp. Works with Kindle, Samsung, Google Nexus, Acer, LG, HTC, Nokia, Motorola and any device with Micro-USB port. (Connectors: USB A Male to Micro-B 5-Pin Male) Manufacturer: QVS Manufacturer Part Number: USB2P-02 Manufacturer Website Address: http://www.qvs.com Brand Name: QVS Product Name: Micro-USB Sync & Charger Cable for Smartphone & Tablet Product Type: Data Transfer Cable Technical Information: Cable Type: USB Technical Information: Device Supported: Smartphone Physical Characteristics: Color: Black
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