Black Friday 2014 Deals Ramos i10 10.1 "Android 4.2 Tablet PC (Intel Atom Z2580 Dual Core CPU, WiFi, double camera, RAM 2 Go, 16 Go de ROM) Review
With the Ramos i10 10.1 "Android 4.2 Tablet PC (Intel Atom Z2580 Dual Core CPU, WiFi, double camera, RAM 2 Go, 16 Go de ROM) you only look at many benefits that satisfy you require, strongly suggested it really is a good product for value. Hot Deal Ramos i10 10.1 "Android 4.2 Tablet PC (Intel Atom Z2580 Dual Core CPU, WiFi, double camera, RAM 2 Go, 16 Go de ROM)
Price : $222.63 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand :
Merchant : LightInTheBox
Product ID : 1d5d0faed80ffc087ef6aeba955772d8
Rating :
In case that you are searching to acquiring item at an amazing quality and a sensible price. We very advised this Ramos i10 10.1 "Android 4.2 Tablet PC (Intel Atom Z2580 Dual Core CPU, WiFi, double camera, RAM 2 Go, 16 Go de ROM) is just one of premium and additional preferred product product that you are trying to find. Also if you learn it carefully concerning item description, attributes and helpful consumer evaluations, of course you must not decline to purchase it one. You could look at the recent price through the hyperlink below.
Ramos i10 10.1 "Android 4.2 Tablet PC (Intel Atom Z2580 Dual Core CPU, WiFi, double camera, RAM 2 Go, 16 Go de ROM) Description
Systeme d'exploitation:Android 4.2; Taille diagonale d'ecran:10.1 pouces; Resolution maximale:19201200; Technologie d'affichage:Tactile 5 points,IPS; Modele de processeur:Intel Z2580; Nombre de Curs:Dual Core; Vitesse d'horloge de processeur:2.0GHz; Ram:2GB; ROM:16Go; Support memoire extensible:32Go; Camera frontale:2 MP; Camera de dos:5 MP; Ports:Prise pour Ecouteurs,HDMI,TF Card slot,Micro USB; Audio/Video:Ecouteur 3.5mm,HDMI; Protocole reseaux / transfere de donnees:Wifi; Videos:WMV,MP4,3GP,ASF,MPEG; Audio:WMA,WAV,AAC,Midi,MP3; Image:BMP,PNG,JPG,GIF; eBook:PDF,TXT; Langues:Suedois,Perse,Chinois,Norvegien,Thai,Polonais,Chinois traditionnel,Italien,Suedois,Slovaque,Chinois simplifie,Allemand,Slovene,Tcheque,Arabe,Francais,Neerlandais,Hongrois,Vietnamien,Roumain,Portugais,Hongroise,Malais,Coreen,Japonais,Lituanien,Indonesien,Bulgare,Anglais,Hebreu,Danois,Espagnol,Croate,Grec,Russe,Catalan,Turc,Philippin,Hollandais; Poids net (g) :638; Liste d'emballage:1 x Cable USB,1 x Emballage cadeau,1 x Manuel utilisateur - Anglais,1 x Tablette; Marque:Ramos
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This Item Available from 1 Store
Image | Item | Price | |
Ramos i10 10.1 "Android 4.2 Tablet PC (Intel Atom Z2580 Dual Core CPU, WiFi, double camera, RAM 2 Go, 16 Go de ROM)
Merchant : LightInTheBox |
$222.63 |