2014 Black Friday Deals rooCASE Executive Portfolio Leather Case for Amazon Kindle 4
rooCASE Executive Portfolio Leather Case for Amazon Kindle 4 is very good quality for what it really definitely does. Protect you time and money via actually buy at trustworthy retail stores online. Hot Deal rooCASE Executive Portfolio Leather Case for Amazon Kindle 4
Price : $16.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : rooCASE
Merchant : Walmart
Product ID : a7ec0899da1563275ff7f1e943a4ae5b
Rating :
One of outstanding product is consist of rooCASE Executive Portfolio Leather Case for Amazon Kindle 4 confirmed from a bunch of feedbacks coming from realistic buyers confirmed that rooCASE Executive Portfolio Leather Case for Amazon Kindle 4 is great and useful item and actually worth the money that they paid. If you have any kind of questions about the attributes of the product or desire to inspect the up-to-date price of the product. Right now click the hyperlink below, you will locate a reasonable prices that irrefutable.
rooCASE Executive Portfolio Leather Case for Amazon Kindle 4 Description
This rooCASE features a magnetic stand with removable sleeve for handheld operation for your Kindle 4, a MUST have for all Amazon Kindle 4 Reader Owners! Product Material: Leather Product Weight: 0.70 lbs. Laptop Compartment Dimensions: 7.8" x 6.6" x 1.2" Built-in magnetic stand for comfortable viewing at 45 degree angle Detachable inner sleeve for handheld operation; reattaches by Velcro for landscape / portrait viewing Business and ID slots with accessory flap Elastic loop for pen Dual zipper for easy access Access to all ports and controls NOT compatible with Kindle Multi-TOUCH Wi-Fi 3G Reader Category: iPad Accessories
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This Item Available from 1 Store
Image | Item | Price | |
rooCASE Executive Portfolio Leather Case for Amazon Kindle 4
Merchant : Walmart |
$16.99 |