Black Friday Ads 2014 Safco 1851MH Safco Laminate Machine Stand w/Sorter Compartments, 28w x 19-3/4d x

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Safco 1851MH Safco Laminate Machine Stand w/Sorter Compartments, 28w x 19-3/4d x

Hot Offer Safco 1851MH Safco Laminate Machine Stand w/Sorter Compartments, 28w x 19-3/4d x
Price : $437.43 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
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Product ID : 440c38fbf8b11b78194b8942939e0650
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Safco 1851MH Safco Laminate Machine Stand w/Sorter Compartments, 28w x 19-3/4d x

Safco 1851MH Safco Laminate Machine Stand w/Sorter Compartments, 28w x 19-3/4d x Description

Generously sized to fit most office machines. Double door cabinet conceals storage area. Shelves adjust in 1 1/4" increments to create eight letter size sections or may be removed to increase compartment size. Wheels for mobility and lock for security. Lower Storage Compartment: 26w x 17 3/4d x 14 3/4h.Double door cabinet conceals storage area.Shelves adjust in 1 1/4" increments to create eight letter-size sections or may be removed to increase compartment size.Wheels for mobility and lock for security.Lower Storage Compartment: 26w x 17 3/4d x 14 3/4h.

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Safco 1851MH Safco Laminate Machine Stand w/Sorter Compartments, 28w x 19-3/4d x
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price as of : 2014-11-09