Black Friday 2014 Samsung 16GB 8" Galaxy Note Tab w/S Pen, 8GB Card & Case Don't Miss
With Samsung 16GB 8" Galaxy Note Tab w/S Pen, 8GB Card & Case you just recently read the good aspects which will satisfy you demand, highly recommended it is a good product for value. Hot Offer Samsung 16GB 8" Galaxy Note Tab w/S Pen, 8GB Card & Case
Price : $449.96 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Samsung
Merchant : QVC
Product ID : 00c44d98505c5c46051e8f17eaa8096e
Rating :
When you are actually taking into consideration to ordering item with an exceptional top quality as well as an acceptable deal. We highly advised Samsung 16GB 8" Galaxy Note Tab w/S Pen, 8GB Card & Case is one of top quality and even more prominent item product that you are searching for. Even if you learn it meticulously about item detail, functions and helpful consumer evaluations, certainly you need to not reject to get it one. You can take a look at the up-to-date price through the hyperlink here.
Samsung 16GB 8" Galaxy Note Tab w/S Pen, 8GB Card & Case Description
Endless entertainment options. Whether you're a music lover, a movie buff, or an Internet addict, the Galaxy Note 8.0 16GB tablet has everything you want, in a sleek and compact design that's made to travel with you.What makes the Galaxy Note 8.0 tablet special? Whether you want to check your email, watch a video in crystal-clear Full HD 1080p resolution, or read a book, this tablet is made to meet your every need. And thanks to the handy S pen, you can sketch, add annotations to presentations, and send someone a handwritten note.What can it do for me? What can't it do, is more like it. Make videos with the front-facing camera and watch them on the impressive 8" diagonal WXGA TFT display with 1280x800 resolution. Use Bluetooth 4.0 wireless technology to sync up your compatible wireless devices. And you can even listen to all your favorite tunes in high-quality stereo sound. Included is a slim, sleek book cover case to protect your new Galaxy Note 8.0 while leaving easy access to all connectors and ports. It even wakes and puts the device to sleep when it opens and closes! From Samsung.Included is an 8GB microSD memory card and SD card adapter so you can store plenty of songs, videos, pictures, and more! From Dane-Elec.What's in the box? GT-N5110NKYXAR Galaxy Note 8.0 tablet, S pen, lithium-polymer battery, book cover case, 8GB microSD card/adapter, and manual.Wireless capability may require a network connection, additional accessories, and/or a service connection fee.Access to and use of the Internet may require payment of a separate fee to an Internet Service Provider.Use of Bluetooth technology may require Bluetooth software and compatible accessories.Please consult the manufacturer's documentation regarding the safe and proper use, handling, storage, charging, and disposal of products containing lithium-ion batteries.
Right before you buy Samsung 16GB 8" Galaxy Note Tab w/S Pen, 8GB Card & Case, you need to visit the features of the product, building material performance, advantages and disadvantages of the item so well. By looking at customer reviews of this product, you ought to check out numerous customer reviews. The genuine users encounter of these items will certainly guide you make a decision on carefully, logically without acquiring mistake and really worth for the price.
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Samsung 16GB 8" Galaxy Note Tab w/S Pen, 8GB Card & Case
Merchant : QVC |
$449.96 |