Black Friday Sale Samsung 7 XE700T1C Tablet PC - 11.6" - SuperBright Plus - Wireless LAN - Intel Core i5 i5-3317U 1.70 GHz
Samsung 7 XE700T1C Tablet PC - 11.6" - SuperBright Plus - Wireless LAN - Intel Core i5 i5-3317U 1.70 GHz is really reasonable for just what it can do. Enable you to save time and money through purchase at reliable online stores.
Price : $1175.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
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Product ID : 8b9c2cbdb3c81163b96f8195864247fa
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In the case that you are actually thinking about to acquiring product with a really good quality including a reasonable budget plan. We strongly suggested this Samsung 7 XE700T1C Tablet PC - 11.6" - SuperBright Plus - Wireless LAN - Intel Core i5 i5-3317U 1.70 GHz is just one of premium and more popular product product that you are trying to find. Also if you research it thoroughly concerning item description, functions and practical customer assessments, certainly you should not refuse to buy it one. You can inspect the existing price from the link under here.
![Samsung 7 XE700T1C Tablet PC - 11.6](
Samsung 7 XE700T1C Tablet PC - 11.6" - SuperBright Plus - Wireless LAN - Intel Core i5 i5-3317U 1.70 GHz Description
0.5"11 Year1.70 GHz1.89 lb11.6"128 GB16:91920 x 10802 Megapixel3 MB4 GB4-cell40 W49 Wh5 GT/s5 Megapixel64-bit77.2"A Tablet with a Powerful PunchWith a blazing-fast Intel Core i5 processor, the Samsung ATIV Smart PC Pro 700T runs the same programs as your desktop PC in a sleek, light and compact form. A fast and simple touchscreen gives you access to your favorite programs and apps with ease. Because when you combine power and design, amazing things happen-that's the Samsung ATIV Smart PC Pro 700T.Favorite Programs in a TouchThe Samsung ATIV Smart PC Pro 700T is so easy and natural, it's like rediscovering the PC. The Windows 8 interface gives you convenient access to all your files with just a touch of the screen. Easily switch to the revolutionary S Pen to compose emails, meeting reports, presentations and more, or use the optional docking keyboard and connect to an external monitor, MP3 player, camera and other USB devices.S PenTrusted Platform Module (TPM) ATIV Smart PC Pro 700T Lithium Polymer Battery AC Adapter Keyboard Dock S Pen ATIV Smart PC Pro 700TActive Matrix TFT Color LCDBluetooth 4.0Core i5DDR3 SDRAMDDR3-1600/PC3-12800Dual-core (2 Core) Full HDGigabit EthernetHD 4000HybridIEEE 802.11a/b/g/nIntelLEDLithium Polymer (Li-Polymer) NoPhysical KeyboardSamsungSharedStylusSuperBright PlusTablet PCTouchPadWindowsWindows 8XE700T1CXE700T1C-A03USYeshttp://www.samsungusa.comi5-3317UmicroSD
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