Black Friday Online Deals Samsung - Book Cover For Samsung Galaxy Tab S 10.5 - Charcoal Black
Can be a safe in comparison product characteristics and cost. This Samsung - Book Cover For Samsung Galaxy Tab S 10.5 - Charcoal Black is the right choice to pay for.
Price : $69.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Samsung
Merchant : Best Buy
Product ID : b08fac997eb76acd43f32752c54a392a
Rating :

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Samsung - Book Cover For Samsung Galaxy Tab S 10.5 - Charcoal Black Description
Guard your Samsung Galaxy Tab S 10.5 from scrapes with this Samsung EF-BT800BBEGUJ cover that features polyurethane and polycarbonate materials for durable, encompassing protection. The screen-toggle capability turns the screen on or off automatically.
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