Black Friday 2014 Ads Samsung Carrying Case for Tablet PC Don't Miss
Over-all this Samsung Carrying Case for Tablet PC is quite well produced, will work wonderfully, I positively look into the purchase decision is worth any extra budget.
Price : $65.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Samsung
Merchant :
Product ID : 33b64d322f7bafe43ab56728c5d64ce4
Rating :
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Samsung Carrying Case for Tablet PC Description
Protect, secure and view presentations on the Series 7 Slate with the lightweight, Grip Assist Case. Durable and built for rigorous business use, the impact-resistant ABS plastic and rubber body provides superior protection, including a built-in stylus holder.Easily collect and present data using the adjustable Comfort Grip Handle, keeping the Series 7 Slate snug in one hand while adding 360 degrees of rotation in 45-degree intervals-or remove the Comfort Grip Handle with the touch of a button. Manufacturer: Samsung Manufacturer Part Number: AA-BS01BUS/SEA Manufacturer Website Address: Brand Name: Samsung Product Name: Lightweight Grip Assist Case Product Type: Carrying Case Product Information: Carrying Options: Handle Product Information: Case Features: Easy-grip Handle Physical Characteristics: Exterior Material: Rubber Package Contents: Lightweight Grip Assist CaseHandle Application/Usage: Tablet PC Compatibility: Samsung - Series 7 Slate
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