Black Friday Online Deals SAMSUNG Galaxy Note 10.1 Wifi 10.1-inch Tablet PC - Deep Gray Don't Miss
SAMSUNG Galaxy Note 10.1 Wifi 10.1-inch Tablet PC - Deep Gray is definitely an awesome stuff for a excellent offer, worth the cost. Extremely cheerful. Hot Offer SAMSUNG Galaxy Note 10.1 Wifi 10.1-inch Tablet PC - Deep Gray
Price : $537.25 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
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Product ID : 760856a7265ce776145d34a4c162dce0
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SAMSUNG Galaxy Note 10.1 Wifi 10.1-inch Tablet PC - Deep Gray Description
SAMSUNG Galaxy Note 10.1 Wifi 10.1" - Samsung Exynos 1.40GHz - 2GB RAM - 16GB HDD Tablet PC ? Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) - Deep Gray GPU/VPU: Integrated Graphics Part#: GT-N8013EAYXAR Color: Deep Gray CPU Speed: 1.40GHz Tech: Quad Core LCD Features: TFT Display Type: Wide XGA Resolution: 1280 x 800
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