2014 Black Friday Deals Samsung Galaxy Note 3/ Galaxy S5 USB 3.0 5-ft Data Cable (Pack of 2) Instantly
Can be a safe in comparison device functionality and value. The Samsung Galaxy Note 3/ Galaxy S5 USB 3.0 5-ft Data Cable (Pack of 2) is the perfect option to decide to purchase. Hot Offer Samsung Galaxy Note 3/ Galaxy S5 USB 3.0 5-ft Data Cable (Pack of 2)
Price : $15.00 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Samsung
Merchant : Overstock.com
Product ID : e364b2a5f35e6325dbd784dac7af9755
Rating :
If you are usually searching to getting item with a top notch quality along with a practical spending plan. We very recommended Samsung Galaxy Note 3/ Galaxy S5 USB 3.0 5-ft Data Cable (Pack of 2) is one of high quality and more well-liked item item that you are looking for. Even if you examine it thoroughly about item information, features and handy consumer assessments, naturally you should certainly not refuse to get it one. You can inspect the up to date price via the hyperlink here.
Samsung Galaxy Note 3/ Galaxy S5 USB 3.0 5-ft Data Cable (Pack of 2) Description
Charge and sync your Samsung Galaxy Note 3 faster than ever before with the Samsung Galaxy Note 3/ Galaxy S5 USB 3.0 5-ft Data Cable. This USB 3. 0 is exactly 4 feet and 11 inches long. The 21-pin connector plugs directly into your Samsung Galaxy Note 3's charging port for fast syncing and charging. Sync and charge cableUSB 3.0 compatibleCable length: 4 Feet 11 inchesThis accessory is a must-have for every Samsung Galaxy Note 3 userCompatibility: Samsung Galaxy Note 3 and Galaxy S5Color: WhiteMaterial: RubberModel: SG-ETDQ11Y1WEx2Included items: 2 Samsung Galaxy Note 3 USB 3.0 5-Feet Data CablesDimensions: 49 x 3 x 2 inchesWeight: 2.4 ounces
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Samsung Galaxy Note 3/ Galaxy S5 USB 3.0 5-ft Data Cable (Pack of 2)
Merchant : Overstock.com |
$15.00 |