Black Friday 2014 Samsung Galaxy Note Pro (SM-P900) 32GB 12.2 Tablet - Black (Refurbished) Don't Miss
General the Samsung Galaxy Note Pro (SM-P900) 32GB 12.2 Tablet - Black (Refurbished) is perfectly made, will work perfectly, I truly feel the purchase will probably be worth any extra budget. Hot Deal Samsung Galaxy Note Pro (SM-P900) 32GB 12.2 Tablet - Black (Refurbished)
Price : $749.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
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Merchant : All4Cellular
Product ID : 39f2916a31ab83499e183536955036ea
Rating :
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Samsung Galaxy Note Pro (SM-P900) 32GB 12.2 Tablet - Black (Refurbished) Description
Key Features: Stunning 12.2 capacitive touchscreen (2560 x 1600 resolution) Runs the highly customizable Android OS Access to thousands of new apps from the Android platform Powerful 1.9GHz Samsung Exynos 5 Octa Processor 32GB internal storage capacity for storing photos, music and other files Up to 64GB microSD card slot expansion, great for storing larger files 8MP rear camera for capturing life's unforgettable moments 2MP front camera for Skype and other web chats Bluetooth 4.0 enabled; pair tablet with compatible headset, speaker, etc. 802.11a/b/g/n Wi-Fi enabled Revolutionary integrated S Pen for sketching & notes.
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Samsung Galaxy Note Pro (SM-P900) 32GB 12.2 Tablet - Black (Refurbished)
Merchant : All4Cellular |
$749.99 |