Black Friday 2014 Ads Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 Black 16GB 10.1" Tablet, 32GB Card, and Case Bundle Review
When you have to in comparison product features and value. This Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 Black 16GB 10.1" Tablet, 32GB Card, and Case Bundle is a good decision to shop for.
Price : $365.00 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Samsung
Merchant : Beach Trading Co.
Product ID : 431173260507eab79ef6dda6f22989c8
Rating :

The product features are exceptional and fulled of excellent of Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 Black 16GB 10.1" Tablet, 32GB Card, and Case Bundle is the great factor that takes it among the item you shall grow bought. As well as, it is additionally friendly-budget to your budgets as well. You could check the complete item detail and take a look at excellent prices that have probably been upgraded from the store through click the web link below. You may get the beneficial deal and you could not refute it, desire you have the awesome price.

Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 Black 16GB 10.1" Tablet, 32GB Card, and Case Bundle Description
Meet the Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 - an affordable tablet designed to be everything to everyone. Endless entertainment options, new multi-user mode and a brand new design will make this tablet hard for anyone to put down. Brilliant 10.1" widescreen HD display delivers clear text bright colors Perfect for the family to enjoy games, movies, books, magazines more Sleek, light design with expandable memory, Multi-User mode, and Multi Window capability SPECIFICATIONS: - Android 4.4, Kit Kat - Processor: 1.2 GHz Quad Core - Memory: 1.5GB RAM 16GB on-board memory - microSD Card Slot (Up to 64GB) - Display Screen: 10.1" - Display Resolution: WXGA (1280x800) - Display Type: TFT - Battery Type: Lithium Ion Battery - Battery Capacity: 6800mAh - Wi-Fi: 802.11 a/b/g/n, dual-band (2.4GHz + 5GHz) - Camera 3MP rear + 1.3 MP front - GPS with GLONASS - Bluetooth 4.0 - Supports USB 2.0 Connectivity - Built-in Stereo Speakers - Antenna - IF Connector: 7 Pin - WatchON, Multi Window, Multi-User Mode, Netflix Preloaded ACCESSORIES (SOLD SEPARATELY) - Book Cover White (EF-BT530BWEGUJ) - Book Cover Black (EF-BT530BBEGUJ) - Travel Charger (ETA-U90JBEGXAR) - HDMI Adapter (ET-H10FAUWEGUJ) - USB Adapter (EPL-AU10WEGXAR) - Desktop Dock (EE-D100TNWEGUJ) - Bluetooth Keyboard (EE-BT550UBEBUS) MESSAGE - Email (POP3/IMAP/SMTP/SSL/TLS) - Exchange ActiveSync Email AUDIO FILES - Audio Codec: M4A, MP3,3GA, AAC, OGG, WAV, WMA, FLAC VIDEO FILES - Recording 720p @ 30fps; Playback: 1080 @ 30fps - Video Codec: MP4, 3GP, WMV, ASF, AVI, FLV, MKV, WEBM IMAGE FILES - BMP,GIF,JPEG,ICO. SVG-T DOCUMENT FILES - Word File: .doc, .docx, .dot, .dotx, .txt, .hwp, .rtf, .asc - Excel File: .xls, .xlsx, .xlt, .xltx, .csv - PowerPoint: .ppt, .pptx, .pps, .ppsx, .pot, .potx - PDF: .pdf APPLICATIONS - Alarm, Calculator, Calendar,Camera, Contact, Dropbox, Email, Gallery, Hancom Office Viewer, Help, Internet (S Browser) , Memo, Music, My Files, S-Voice, Samsung Apps, Settings, Video, World Clock. DIMENSIONS (DxWxH) - Dimensions: 6.94 x 9.58 x 0.31in. - Weight (Including Battery) : 1.08 lbs. GALAXY PERKS - Over $300 of Free Content and Services. - Including $10 Google Play credit, 3 months free of Hulu Plus, and 50GB Dropbox storage for 2 years and more!
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Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 Black 16GB 10.1" Tablet, 32GB Card, and Case Bundle
Merchant : Beach Trading Co. |
$365.00 | ![]() |