Black Friday Sales Samsung Galaxy Tab (R) 4 Tablet With 10.1in. Screen, 16GB Storage, White Right Now
Samsung Galaxy Tab (R) 4 Tablet With 10.1in. Screen, 16GB Storage, White is extremely high-quality at the things it totally does. Save you time and money through actually buy at highly regarded stores online.
Price : $429.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Samsung
Merchant : Office Depot
Product ID : 98ba324d11a67be72c42911c84a47d57
Rating :
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![Samsung Galaxy Tab (R) 4 Tablet With 10.1in. Screen, 16GB Storage, White](
Samsung Galaxy Tab (R) 4 Tablet With 10.1in. Screen, 16GB Storage, White Description
Large screen tablet packed with powerful multimedia capabilities Brilliant 10.1in. HD display screen offers a memorable multimedia experience. 1280 x 800 resolution is great for viewing games, movies, music, books, magazines and more right on your tablet. 1.2GHz Quad Core processor provides blazing performance. Perfect for fast browsing, quick image editing and much more. Powered by Android 4.4 KitKat, the latest version of the Android operating system. Features an immersive, more polished design, with improved performance and updated productivity tools. 16GB internal storage easily holds your apps and other files. A microSD (TM) card slot allows for expanded storage of up to 64GB. (microSD cards sold separately.) Features dual cameras for quality images. The back camera offers 3-megapixel resolution while the front camera supports video at up to 1.3 megapixels. Wireless-N (802.11n) for high-performance, cable-free networking. Access wireless networks to share files, surf the Web and exchange email. Bluetooth (R) 4.0 technology. Permits short-range wireless data transfers at up to 30ft. with other Bluetooth-enabled devices, such as phones, speakers and printers. Slim, lightweight design for easy handling and travel. Weighs slightly more than 1 lb. Multi-User Mode lets different users each have their own logins. Comfortably pass on your tablet to friends, colleagues and family members to share entertainment. Features Multi-Window Mode so you can run two apps on the screen at the same time. Enjoy $300-worth of free content and services. Includes $10 Google Play credit and 50GB Dropbox space for 2 years and more. *Galaxy Perks offers can only be claimed once after original purchase. Samsung Galaxy Tab (R) 4 Tablet With 10.1in. Screen, 16GB Storage, White is one of many available through Office Depot. Made by Samsung.
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