Black Friday Deals 2014 Samsung GT-P5210GNYXAR 16GB Tablet Review
Samsung GT-P5210GNYXAR 16GB Tablet is seriously an extremely good stuff at a amazing price, worth the cost. Awfully happy.
Price : $417.95 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Samsung
Merchant :
Product ID : 0ebddf328d1a702815e47ab085be7c71
Rating :
The item elements are exceptional and loaded with high quality of Samsung GT-P5210GNYXAR 16GB Tablet is the major idea that allows it among the product you will obtain purchased. Along with, it is too friendly budget to your pockets as well. You can find the complete product description and have a look at extra promotions that have been up-dated coming from the shop via click the hyperlink below. You might possibly see the very cool deal and you can not refute it, want you have the great offer.
![Samsung GT-P5210GNYXAR 16GB Tablet](
Samsung GT-P5210GNYXAR 16GB Tablet Description
"Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 10.1"" 16GB Edition - Gold Brown Brand New Includes One Year Warranty, The Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 10.1 / GT-P5210 Gold Brown tablet is stylish multifunction compact with outstanding features, looks and offers mobility at the top of its class for motion commands including impressible smooth handling exprience. The tablet is powered by 1.6 GHz CPU with Android 4.2 Jelly Bean OS, with enhanced multi-tasking abilities, offering advanced computing power to handle all your applications, multitasking and supports virtually almost every app. The Tablet comes with 10.1 Inch Display which let you enjoy photo viewing, movie marathon and gaming that makes smartphone whole lot smarter. Galaxy Tab 3 10.1 / GT-P5210 Gold Brown Features: HSDPA, 10.1"" Touch Screen, 64GB microSD Expansion, 3.2 Megapixel Camera, Bluetooth 4.0, WiFi Capable: Transfer Pictures From any Computer Over The Internet, Tablet, Android 4.2 (Jelly Bean) , TouchWiz User Interface - Accelerometer User Interface - Geomagnetic User Interface - Samsung Traditional User Interface - Widgets User Interface, 1.6 GHz Dual Core CPU, Memory: 16GB Built-in Memory, 1 GB RAM, 1280 x 800 Pixel (WXGA) TFT LCD Display (16M Colors) , Wi-Fi Direct, Services & Applications - Samsung Apps, Music Hub, Readers Hub, Game Hub Lite, ChatON, ActiveSync, B-to-B Compability, 3.5mm Stereo Ear Jack, Accelerometer, Geo-magnetic, Light & Proximity Sensor, Assisted AGPS GLONASS Location, High Capacity 6800 mAh Battery - USB Chargeable - Internet Usage Time (3G & Wi-Fi) : Up to 9 Hours - Video Playback: Up to 9 Hours - Audio Playback: Up to 140 Hours - Talk Time (W-CDMA) : Up to 40 Hours, Video Format: - 3GP, WMV, AVI, MKV, FLV, WEBM, MP4, Video Playback: Full HD 1080 Pixel, Audio Format: - MP3, AAC, WMA, FLAC, M4A, MP4 - 3GA, OGG, AMR, WAV, MID, 3GP - XMF, iMelody, SP-MIDI, RTTTL/ RTX, OTA, OGA"
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