Black Friday Sale Samsung Xe700t1c 11.6 Tablet Pc - Wi-Fi - Intel Core I5 I5-3317u 1.70 Ghz - Led Backlight - 1920 X Xe700t1ca03us **no Keyboard**" Right Now
With the Samsung Xe700t1c 11.6 Tablet Pc - Wi-Fi - Intel Core I5 I5-3317u 1.70 Ghz - Led Backlight - 1920 X Xe700t1ca03us **no Keyboard**" you primarily look at good aspects which usually satisfy you would like, strongly recommended it actually is a good product for value. Hot Offer Samsung Xe700t1c 11.6 Tablet Pc - Wi-Fi - Intel Core I5 I5-3317u 1.70 Ghz - Led Backlight - 1920 X Xe700t1ca03us **no Keyboard**"
Price : $1250.00 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Samsung
Merchant : CompSource
Product ID : 8b9c2cbdb3c81163b96f8195864247fa
Rating :
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Samsung Xe700t1c 11.6 Tablet Pc - Wi-Fi - Intel Core I5 I5-3317u 1.70 Ghz - Led Backlight - 1920 X Xe700t1ca03us **no Keyboard**" Description
Samsung Xe700t1c 11.6 Tablet Pc - Wi-Fi - Intel Core I5 I5-3317u 1.70 Ghz - Led Backlight - 1920 X 1080 Full Hd Display - 4 Gb Ram - 128 Gb Ssd - Intel Hd 4000 Graphics - Bluetooth - Genuine Windows 8 - Hdmi **no Keyboard**"
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