Black Friday Sales 2014 SBUY HP PRO X2 410, I3-4012Y, 4GB 1600 (4 GB ON MOTHERBOARD) , SSD 128 GB11.6 LED
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Price : $837.61 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Hewlett-Packard
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Product ID : aea6fa15a7983563fe1719682a6bc61f
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SBUY HP PRO X2 410, I3-4012Y, 4GB 1600 (4 GB ON MOTHERBOARD) , SSD 128 GB11.6 LED Description
SBUY HP PRO X2 410, I3-4012Y, 4GB 1600 (4 GB ON MOTHERBOARD) , SSD 128 GB11.6 LED
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SBUY HP PRO X2 410, I3-4012Y, 4GB 1600 (4 GB ON MOTHERBOARD) , SSD 128 GB11.6 LED
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$837.61 |