Black Friday Sales scheda lenovo a7-50 7.0 "android 4.2 3g tablet pc telefono (wifi, gps, quad core, ram 1gb rom 16gb) Review
Over all this scheda lenovo a7-50 7.0 "android 4.2 3g tablet pc telefono (wifi, gps, quad core, ram 1gb rom 16gb) is quite well created, will work wonderfully, I probably experience the purchase online is worth the money.
Price : $163.32 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand :
Merchant : LightInTheBox
Product ID : af2adb2f7b233b11c1f8ee5dfa1a4647
Rating :
In case that you are certainly considering to shopping item at a top notch high quality together with an affordable spending plan. We strongly advised scheda lenovo a7-50 7.0 "android 4.2 3g tablet pc telefono (wifi, gps, quad core, ram 1gb rom 16gb) is one of leading quality and more popular item item that you are seeking. Even if you research it very carefully about item information, features and handy customer evaluations, naturally you have to not decline to purchase it one. You can inspect the latest price via the hyperlink below.
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scheda lenovo a7-50 7.0 "android 4.2 3g tablet pc telefono (wifi, gps, quad core, ram 1gb rom 16gb) Description
Sistema operativo:Android 4.2; Dimensione schermo:7 pollici; Massima risoluzione:1280800; Tecnologia dello schermo:IPS; Modello processore:MTK 8382; Numero di core:Quad Core; Velocita processore:1.3GHz; Ram:1GB; ROM:16GB; Estensione di memoria:32GB; Fotocamera retro:5 MP; Porte:USB,Slot scheda TF,Slot SIM Card; Audio/Video:3.5mm; Rete:2G,Bluetooth,3G,Wifi; Altre caratteristiche:Telefono,GPS,N/D,G Sensor; Capacita della batteria:3450mAh; Video:VOB,N/D,MOV,PMP,WMV,TP,FLV,TS,RM/RMVB,ASF,AVI,MPG,MP4,DAT,3GP,MJPG,MPEG,MKV; Audio:MP3,3GP,WAV,M4A,MA4,FLAC,AAC,Midi,MP2,ACC,OGG,AWB,WMA,braccio,APE; Quadri e foto:SVG,TGA,GIF,BMP,JPEG,PNG,JPG,CDR,PSD; Ebook:CHM,BRM,JAVA,WMLC,UMD,PDF,TXT; Lingue:Giapponese,Finlandese,Danese,Ucraino,Bulgaro,Inglese,Croato,Greco,Thai,Spagnolo,Catalano,Nepalese,Svedese,Russo,Olandese,Turco,Sloveno,Filippino,Cinese,Svedese,Serbo,Persiano,Cinese (tradizionale) ,Norvegese,Olandese,Polacco,Cinese (semplificato) ,Italiano,Slovacco,Ungherese,Arabo,Tedesco,Ceco,Lituano,Vietnamita,Francese,Ungherese,Hindi,Malese,Rumeno,Portoghese,Ebraico,Indonesiano,N/D,Coreano; Dimensioni (LxWxH) (mm) :198x121.2x9.9mm; Peso netto (g) :320g; Lista di imballaggio:1 OConfezione regalo,1x adattatore di alimentazione,1xManuale utente in inglese,1 xTablet; Marca:Lenovo
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scheda lenovo a7-50 7.0 "android 4.2 3g tablet pc telefono (wifi, gps, quad core, ram 1gb rom 16gb)
Merchant : LightInTheBox |
$163.32 | ![]() |