Black Friday Deals Screen Protector for Nook HD+ 9 in. Tablet Don't Miss
If you should compared product features and cost. This Screen Protector for Nook HD+ 9 in. Tablet is a reasonable option to pay for. Hot Deal Screen Protector for Nook HD+ 9 in. Tablet
Price : $9.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : MGear
Merchant :
Product ID : eeceb93838a47219a72287f7984e1eff
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Screen Protector for Nook HD+ 9 in. Tablet Description
Protect your Nokia HD Plus 9 inch Tab's screen against scratches, smears, fingerprints, dust and dirt. Offers tough, durable, transparent surface while keeping the screen clean and unscratched. Attaches smoothly with self adhering surface, leaves no residue when removed. Fits the Nokia HD Plus 9 inch perfectly. Type: Screen ProtectorMaterials: Urethane Based Film Color: ClearModel: Nokia HD Plus 9 inchUses: Screen ProtectorAvailable interfaces: NoCompatible models: Nokia HD Plus 9 inch
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