Black Friday Sales 2014 STM Bags Dux iPad Mini Retina Case (Black) Computer Tablets
STM Bags Dux iPad Mini Retina Case (Black) Computer Tablets is actually an incredibly good devices at the amazing deal, worth every cent. Completely satisfied.
Price : $45.00 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : STM Bags
Merchant :
Product ID : cb906c817d6f177dc7f7927d7df53971
Rating :
If you are really looking to buying item at a great top quality together with an acceptable price. We extremely suggested STM Bags Dux iPad Mini Retina Case (Black) Computer Tablets is just one of high quality and additional prominent product item that you are seeking. Also if you examine it carefully about item detail, functions and practical customer evaluations, naturally you have to certainly not reject to purchase it one. You can examine the recent price via the web link under here.
![STM Bags Dux iPad Mini Retina Case (Black) Computer Tablets](
STM Bags Dux iPad Mini Retina Case (Black) Computer Tablets Description
The STM Dux iPad Mini Retina Case keeps your tablet stylishly protected and secure.Water-resistant polyurethane cover helps protect against spills.Ultraprotective polycarbonate and rubberized TPU bracket to protect against accidents.Magnetic closure.Automatic on-and-off cover wakes and turns the device off to save battery life.Auto power on-and-off front cover wakes up the device and puts it to sleep.Perfectly designed to support your iPad mini or Retina.Tested to meet and/or exceed US Department of Defense Standard 810F/G durability tests.Imported. Measurements:Width: 5 1 2 inHeight: 8 inDepth: 1 2 inWeight: 7.5 oz
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