Black Friday Deals 2014 STM Bags Folio iPad Air Case (Black) Computer Bags Don't Miss
STM Bags Folio iPad Air Case (Black) Computer Bags is really an extremely good stuff at the great deal, worth every dollar. Truly joyful.
Price : $120.00 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : STM Bags
Merchant :
Product ID : 63dbe7a4747f6b62b6340e4ccea05567
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STM Bags Folio iPad Air Case (Black) Computer Bags Description
The STM Folio iPad Air Case keeps your tablet ready and looking professional for any important meeting.Made with premium soft-touch leather.Two-way zipper for secure closure.Internal organization for cables, business cards and notepad.Auto power on-and-off front cover wakes up the device and puts it to sleep.Easy to access device ports and control buttons.Imported. Measurements:Bottom Width: 8 inDepth: 1 1 4 inHeight: 10 3 4 inWeight: 1 lb 2 oz
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