2014 Black Friday Store and Charge Multiple Tablet Charger With Surge Protection Review
If you have to in comparison product features and cost. This Store and Charge Multiple Tablet Charger With Surge Protection is a reasonable substitute for purchase. Hot Deal Store and Charge Multiple Tablet Charger With Surge Protection
Price : $199.97 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Belkin
Merchant : Zuma
Product ID : adb548b272c28914a3b3165b06d4a681
Rating :
One of amazing product is feature Store and Charge Multiple Tablet Charger With Surge Protection confirmed via a great deal of feedbacks from genuine users verified that Store and Charge Multiple Tablet Charger With Surge Protection is great and usable product and really worth the money that they paid. If you have any type of problems regarding the features of the item or want to inspect the up-to-date price of this product. Right now click on the link below, you will locate a affordable prices that irrefutable.
Store and Charge Multiple Tablet Charger With Surge Protection Description
Features universal compatibility with tablets or laptops up to 13" and 1.18" thick. Stores and charges up to 10 devices simultaneously. The built-in cable management minimizes tangles and clutter. Ten surge-protected AC outlets fit most charging adapters. The small footprint fits on standard AV carts. Includes labeling space for easy identification and open set-up for easy access and wireless syncing. For Use With: Tablets; Netbooks; Laptops; Batteries Required: No; Width: 18"; Depth: 14".
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This Item Available from 1 Store
Image | Item | Price | |
Store and Charge Multiple Tablet Charger With Surge Protection
Merchant : Zuma |
$199.97 |