2014 Black Friday Stylish EU Plug USB Power Adapter with USB Cable for iPhone 5
Stylish EU Plug USB Power Adapter with USB Cable for iPhone 5 is definitely an amazing products with a incredibly good total price, worth every dollar. Truly pleased. Hot Offer Stylish EU Plug USB Power Adapter with USB Cable for iPhone 5
Price : $7.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand :
Merchant : LightInTheBox
Product ID : fc34bfdacc1d7be4f6510d27e2fa3d5b
Rating :
The item features are exceptional and loaded with top quality of Stylish EU Plug USB Power Adapter with USB Cable for iPhone 5 is the significant idea that takes it among the item you will certainly pick up bought. As well as, it is as well friendly budget to your wallets also. You can look at the full item specification and take a look at special offers that have probably been upgraded through the store through click the link here. You can locate the beneficial deal and you could not refuse it, desire you get the exceptional deal.
Stylish EU Plug USB Power Adapter with USB Cable for iPhone 5 Description
Compatible Models:iPhone 5/5S,Universal; Type:Chargers; Port:USB; Color:White; Material:ABS; Input (V) :100-240V 50/60Hz 0.15A; Output (V) :5V-1A; Dimensions (cm) :6.5O3.5O1.4; Weight (kg) :0.019; Package Contents:1 USB Cable Lead
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