Black Friday Online Deals Stylistic Q704 Tablet Pc XBUYQ704001 Don't Miss
Stylistic Q704 Tablet Pc XBUYQ704001 that can be purchased right now, absolutely discover present selling prices comparison as well as shipping readily available for aid you in getting the best bargain. Hot Offer Stylistic Q704 Tablet Pc XBUYQ704001
Price : $1461.00 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Fujitsu
Merchant : CompSource
Product ID : 9b06b5314063b4f20312a214abd7cb20
Rating :
When you are likely searching to shopping for product with a good quality including a reasonable spending plan. We strongly suggested this Stylistic Q704 Tablet Pc XBUYQ704001 is one of high quality and additional popular item product that you are trying to find. Even if you study it very carefully regarding product detail, attributes and practical consumer assessments, of program you should not refuse to get it one. You can check the up to date price via the link below.
Stylistic Q704 Tablet Pc XBUYQ704001 Description
Fujitsu Stylistic Q704 Tablet Pc - 12.5 - Intel Core I5 I5-4200u 1.60 Ghz - 4 Gb Ram - 128 Gb Ssd - Windows 7 Professional 64-Bit - Slate - 1920 X 1080 Multi-Touch Screen Display (Led Backlight) - Bluetooth"
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This Item Available from 2 Store
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Fujitsu Stylistic Q704 - 12.5 - Core i5 4200U
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Stylistic Q704 Tablet Pc XBUYQ704001
Merchant : CompSource |
$1461.00 |