2014 Black Friday Deals Sumdex 14" Notebook & Tablet Sleeve with Checkpoint-Ready Design - Assorted Colors Don't Miss
With this Sumdex 14" Notebook & Tablet Sleeve with Checkpoint-Ready Design - Assorted Colors you only just watch the positive aspects which match you really need, immensely important it's actually a good product for value.
Price : $15.00 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand :
Merchant : Nomorerack
Product ID : d3c58fedf04e51571557530085eac6c5
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The product attributes are superb and fulled of quality of Sumdex 14" Notebook & Tablet Sleeve with Checkpoint-Ready Design - Assorted Colors is the main purpose that allows it one of the item you may acquire bought. And also, it is as well friendly-budget to your budgets too. You can look the complete item description and look into extra promos that have really been upgraded coming from the shop through click the link here. You can select the very cool offer and you can not deny it, wish you have the exceptional price.

Sumdex 14" Notebook & Tablet Sleeve with Checkpoint-Ready Design - Assorted Colors Description
Your tablet tags along nearly everywhere you go, and while that means youre ready to be connected, productive, or entertained at a moments notice, it also means your favorite traveling companion is frequently at risk of scratches, scuffs, and scrapes. Were sure the possibility of such an occurrence is very much to your disliking, and thats why protecting your tablet is a day-to-day necessity. This 14" Notebook & Tablet Sleeve from Sumdex is a good choice for those who like to travel light and will typically be carrying their tablet inside a bag or pack of some sort. Its interior is plush lined for protecting your display and Check-Quick checkpoint-ready designed for fast security clearance in airports and buildings. Grab this great deal and have peace of mind knowing theres a barrier between your treasured tablet and any sharp-edged threats it may encounter. Want to know more? Fits most 14" tablets and notebooks Durable and water-resistant neoprene exterior Plush-lined interior Flap closure Check-Quick checkpoint-ready design Available in your choice of Black, Fern, Forest Night, or Cocoa
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Sumdex 14" Notebook & Tablet Sleeve with Checkpoint-Ready Design - Assorted Colors
Merchant : Nomorerack |
$15.00 | ![]() |