2014 Black Friday Super Power Supply? AC / DC Laptop Adapter Charger Cord for HP Folio Ultrabook 9470m ; Elitebook Tablet 2760p ; Hp Envy Dv4 Dv7 M4 M6 Notebook Netbook Battery P Don't Miss
Super Power Supply? AC / DC Laptop Adapter Charger Cord for HP Folio Ultrabook 9470m ; Elitebook Tablet 2760p ; Hp Envy Dv4 Dv7 M4 M6 Notebook Netbook Battery P for purchase currently, take a moment to notice the latest selling prices comparison as well as shipping and delivery accessible for assist you in getting the best offer. Hot Offer Super Power Supply? AC / DC Laptop Adapter Charger Cord for HP Folio Ultrabook 9470m ; Elitebook Tablet 2760p ; Hp Envy Dv4 Dv7 M4 M6 Notebook Netbook Battery P
Price : $14.89 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Super Power Supply
Merchant : Newegg.com
Product ID : 81517f6ba9c61c09f4142bfbbebe0f0e
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Super Power Supply? AC / DC Laptop Adapter Charger Cord for HP Folio Ultrabook 9470m ; Elitebook Tablet 2760p ; Hp Envy Dv4 Dv7 M4 M6 Notebook Netbook Battery P Description
Super Power Supply? AC / DC Laptop Adapter Charger Cord for HP Folio Ultrabook 9470m ; Elitebook Tablet 2760p ; Hp Envy Dv4 Dv7 M4 M6 Notebook Netbook Battery Plug Type: AC Adapter Compatibility: Compatible with models including HP Elitebook 2170p 2540p 2570p 2740p 2560p 8440p 8460p 8440w ; Folio Ultrabook 9470m ; Elitebook Tablet 2760p ; Hp Envy Dv4 Dv7 M4 M6 ; Hp Essential 2000 2000z 630 635 650 655 3115m 6360t ; Hp Mini 5103 ; Hp Mobile Thin Client 4410t 6360t AC Adapter Voltage: 18.5V AC Adapter Current: up to 3.5A AC Adapter Output Power: 65W
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