Black Friday Sale Super Power Supply? AC / DC Laptop Adapter Charger Cord for Panasonic Toughbook H1 Tablet CF-H1B, CF-H1C models: H1CDJDG1M H1CDJDG6M H1CDJDZ1M H1CDJDZ6M H1CDJGG Right Now
Super Power Supply? AC / DC Laptop Adapter Charger Cord for Panasonic Toughbook H1 Tablet CF-H1B, CF-H1C models: H1CDJDG1M H1CDJDG6M H1CDJDZ1M H1CDJDZ6M H1CDJGG is certainly an excellent stuff for a really good total price, worth every cent. Truly satisfied.
Price : $20.39 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Super Power Supply
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Product ID : 6d0331ed924c271944124424bfbb42d3
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Super Power Supply? AC / DC Laptop Adapter Charger Cord for Panasonic Toughbook H1 Tablet CF-H1B, CF-H1C models: H1CDJDG1M H1CDJDG6M H1CDJDZ1M H1CDJDZ6M H1CDJGG Description
Super Power Supply? AC / DC Laptop Adapter Charger Cord for Panasonic Toughbook H1 Tablet CF-H1B, CF-H1C models: H1CDJDG1M H1CDJDG6M H1CDJDZ1M H1CDJDZ6M H1CDJGG1M H1CDJGG6M H1CDJGZ1M H1CDJGZ6M Type: AC Adapter AC Adapter Voltage: 16V AC Adapter Current: Up to 4.5A
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