Black Friday Ads 2014 Supermicro SuperServer 5018A-FTN4 1U Rack Server - Intel Atom C2758 2.40 GHz Review
Supermicro SuperServer 5018A-FTN4 1U Rack Server - Intel Atom C2758 2.40 GHz is really nice for the things it does. Keep you time and money through decide to purchase at authentic shops online.
Price : $1004.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Supermicro
Merchant : Office Depot
Product ID : 9a2e075ef479ed1765b0a2a1e818517e
Rating :
Among wonderful item is feature Supermicro SuperServer 5018A-FTN4 1U Rack Server - Intel Atom C2758 2.40 GHz warranty via a lot of reviews directly from realistic consumers verified that Supermicro SuperServer 5018A-FTN4 1U Rack Server - Intel Atom C2758 2.40 GHz is great and usable product and be good for the cash that they paid. If you have any kind of questions about the functions of the item or want to inspect the recent price of this item. Just now click the link below, you shall discover a reasonable prices that undeniable.
![Supermicro SuperServer 5018A-FTN4 1U Rack Server - Intel Atom C2758 2.40 GHz](
Supermicro SuperServer 5018A-FTN4 1U Rack Server - Intel Atom C2758 2.40 GHz Description
Supermicro's systems based on the Intel (R) Atom (TM) processor C2000 series System-on-Chip are well-suited for entry-level server platforms and embedded IPC market applications.Package Contents:; SuperServer 5018A-FTN4 (Black) ; 1 x Super A1SRi-2758F Motherboard; 1 x 1U Chassis; 1 x 35CM, SATA CABLE, PB FREE, 26AWG, flat; 1 x RSC-RR1U-E8 (Rev 4.00) ; 1 x 1U 200W Multi-output 80Plus Gold PWS; 1 x Front Control Cable Round 16 pin to 16 pin Ribbon 20; 1 x US power cord 18AWG 6ft, PBF (default for low watt) ; 1 x Riser card bracket for slot-7 in SC504 Supermicro SuperServer 5018A-FTN4 1U Rack Server - Intel Atom C2758 2.40 GHz is one of many available through Office Depot. Made by Supermicro.
If you are uncertain on whether to buy Supermicro SuperServer 5018A-FTN4 1U Rack Server - Intel Atom C2758 2.40 GHz or not, the way to assist you determine this issue is to check out multiple customer reviews of this product. Check out numerous reviews to discover whether it is an item that fulfills your exact wants or just what this product can give you some absolutely helpful or are you could overlooked some downsides of it. So all of that ensure you have a purchasing with a good factor and worth the cash you spend.