Black Friday 2014 Ads Supermicro SuperServer 5018A-MHN4 1U Rack Server - Intel Atom C2758 2.40 GHz
Supermicro SuperServer 5018A-MHN4 1U Rack Server - Intel Atom C2758 2.40 GHz is really an excellent gadgets for a incredibly good deal, worth every cent. Very cheerful.
Price : $695.00 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Supermicro
Merchant : Office Depot
Product ID : f9453a46f8ab27d3826bffb1b79717ac
Rating :
When you are usually looking to paying for item with an excellent top quality and an affordable budget. We very suggested this Supermicro SuperServer 5018A-MHN4 1U Rack Server - Intel Atom C2758 2.40 GHz is one of top-notch and even more popular product item that you are seeking. Even if you research it carefully regarding product specification, features and practical customer comments, naturally you must not refuse to get it one. You can examine the present price via the web link under here.
![Supermicro SuperServer 5018A-MHN4 1U Rack Server - Intel Atom C2758 2.40 GHz](
Supermicro SuperServer 5018A-MHN4 1U Rack Server - Intel Atom C2758 2.40 GHz Description
These benefits combined with an excellent track record have earned Supermicro a reputation as a true leader in the high-end PC/server industry. After all, Supermicro provides the most outstanding product line in the industry, ranging from single Pentium 4 and dual Xeon to quad Xeon MP and dual Itanium systems. Their proven high level of quality and performance has made SuperServers the platform of choice for supercomputer clusters and enterprise databases as well as business-critical, front-end server applications.Package Contents:; SuperServer 5018A-MHN4 (Black) ; 1 x Super A1SRM-2758F Motherboard ; 1 x 1U Chassis ; 1 x BPN-SAS-815TQ-O-P ; 1 x SET OF 4 SATA 70/59/48/38CM ROUND S-RA, 26AWG ; 1 x RSC-RR1U-E8 (Rev 4.00) ; 1 x 200W,1U W/ STANDARD HARNESS OUTPUT LC ; 1 x ROUND 16 pin TO 16 PIN RIBBON FP CABLE 30 ; 2 x 4028mm 13K RPM 4-PIN PWM FAN for SC813MF, SC113M ; 4 x Black 3.5 ; 1 x Outer rail, screw type, 25.6 to 33.05 ; 1 x Inner rail, extension (screw) for 1U 17.2 ; 1 x Inner rail, front, short, screw type ; 1 x Riser card bracket for slot-7 in SC504 Supermicro SuperServer 5018A-MHN4 1U Rack Server - Intel Atom C2758 2.40 GHz is one of many available through Office Depot. Made by Supermicro.
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