2014 Black Friday Deals Supersonic Matrix MID SC-1010JB 8 GB Tablet - 10.1" - Wireless LAN -
If you should in comparison item abilities and price. The Supersonic Matrix MID SC-1010JB 8 GB Tablet - 10.1" - Wireless LAN - is the perfect decision to actually buy. Hot Deal Supersonic Matrix MID SC-1010JB 8 GB Tablet - 10.1" - Wireless LAN -
Price : $115.98 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Supersonic, Inc
Merchant : Overstock.com
Product ID : d2ed194db63b352c471eb6214acf2ff6
Rating :
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Supersonic Matrix MID SC-1010JB 8 GB Tablet - 10.1" - Wireless LAN - Description
Have the world in the palm of your hands! Manufacturer: Supersonic, Inc Manufacturer Part Number: SC-1010JB Manufacturer Website Address: http://www.supersonicinc.com Brand Name: Supersonic Product Line: Matrix MID Product Model: SC-1010JB Product Name: Matrix MID SC-1010JB Tablet Product Type: Tablet Processor & Chipset: Processor Manufacturer: ARM Processor & Chipset: Processor Type: Cortex A9 Processor & Chipset: Processor Core: Dual-core (2 Core) Memory: Memory Card Reader: Yes Storage: Optical Drive Type: No Display & Graphics: Screen Mode: WSVGA Display & Graphics: Display Screen Type: Active Matrix TFT Color LCD Display & Graphics: Aspect Ratio: 128:75 Display & Graphics: Touchscreen: Yes Display & Graphics: Graphics Controller Manufacturer: ARM Display & Graphics: Graphics Controller Model: Mali-624 Network & Communication: Wireless LAN: Yes Network & Communication: Wireless LAN Standard: IEEE 802.11b/g/n Interfaces/Ports: HDMI: Yes Input Devices: Front Camera/Webcam: Yes Software: Operating System Platform: Android
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