Black Friday Ads 2014 SVP ? 10.1-inch Tablet PC TPC1040 AllWinner Quad Core A7 1.3Ghz w/ Camera + Keyboard Case

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SVP ? 10.1-inch Tablet PC TPC1040 AllWinner Quad Core A7 1.3Ghz w/ Camera + Keyboard Case

Hot Offer SVP ? 10.1-inch Tablet PC TPC1040 AllWinner Quad Core A7 1.3Ghz w/ Camera + Keyboard Case
Price : $169.98 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Silicon Valley Peripherals
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Product ID : d29eece5b996c6dd4ce985a4eb05e410
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SVP ? 10.1-inch Tablet PC TPC1040 AllWinner Quad Core A7 1.3Ghz w/ Camera + Keyboard Case

SVP ? 10.1-inch Tablet PC TPC1040 AllWinner Quad Core A7 1.3Ghz w/ Camera + Keyboard Case Description

SVP ? 10.1-inch Tablet PC TPC1040 AllWinner Quad Core A7 1.3Ghz w/ Camera + Keyboard Case

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SVP ? 10.1-inch Tablet PC TPC1040 AllWinner Quad Core A7 1.3Ghz w/ Camera + Keyboard Case
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price as of : 2014-11-09