Black Friday 2014 Deals Sync Charging Adapter Cable with Micro USB for iPad Samsung Galaxy Tab P1000 Don't Miss
With Sync Charging Adapter Cable with Micro USB for iPad Samsung Galaxy Tab P1000 you primarily see the extra benefits which will catch up with you need, strongly recommended it really is a good product for value.
Price : $1.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand :
Merchant : LightInTheBox
Product ID : 29805cbd015ef3d261814f6e74d5dbd5
Rating :

The item attributes are superb and fulled of top quality of Sync Charging Adapter Cable with Micro USB for iPad Samsung Galaxy Tab P1000 is the great purpose that gets it one of the item you will grow bought. Plus, it is also friendly budget to your pockets too. You can watch the complete item specification and look into excellent promos that have been up-dated from the site via click the link below. You may possibly locate the beneficial offer and you could not deny it, want you have the excellent price.

Sync Charging Adapter Cable with Micro USB for iPad Samsung Galaxy Tab P1000 Description
FOR:Samsung Tablet; Type:Cables; Port:USB 2.0,All-In-1,Micro USB 2.0; Features:Normal,Data Sync,Charging; Cable Length (cm) :Short (Under 20 cm) ; Color:White; Dimensions (cm) :20 x 2.5 x 0.2; Weight (kg) :0.014
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