2014 Black Friday Deals Sync Cradle Micro USB Dock Charger for Samsung Galaxy S3 i9300 (white)
Sync Cradle Micro USB Dock Charger for Samsung Galaxy S3 i9300 (white) available on the market instantly, just find out current selling prices comparison along with delivery suitable for get you the hottest deal.
Price : $6.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand :
Merchant : LightInTheBox
Product ID : e086270cd11e6ac96d833170cdbdaa6d
Rating :

With one another very good product is consist of Sync Cradle Micro USB Dock Charger for Samsung Galaxy S3 i9300 (white) certified through a lot of opinions from genuine buyers confirmed that Sync Cradle Micro USB Dock Charger for Samsung Galaxy S3 i9300 (white) is great and functional item and be good for the cash that they paid. If you have any kind of problems regarding the features of the item or wish to inspect the existing price of the item. Just click on the web link below, you shall locate a really great offers that obvious.

Sync Cradle Micro USB Dock Charger for Samsung Galaxy S3 i9300 (white) Description
Compatible Device:Samsung Mobile Phone; Charger Type:Dock Charger; Feature:Micro USB; Cable Lenth (cm) :Very Long (150cm Above) ; Power Supply Standard:Other; Material:Plastic; Color:White; Input (V) :220; Dimensions (cm) :9.0 x 6.5 x 2.5; Weight (kg) :0.061
If you are unclear on whether to acquire Sync Cradle Micro USB Dock Charger for Samsung Galaxy S3 i9300 (white) or otherwise, the way to assist you decide this issue is to check out numerous customer reviews of this item. Review several evaluations to determine whether it is an item that encounters your correct needs or what this item can offer you some genuinely valuable or are you can ignored some disadvantages of it. So all of that ensure you get a purchase for a good factor and worth the cash you spend.