Black Friday Sales 2014 SYNX3149097 - Panasonic Toughpad A1 FZ-A1BDAAV1M 16 GB Tablet - 10.1'' - Wireless LAN - Verizon - 4G - Marvell ARMADA PXA2128 1.20 GHz Instantly
SYNX3149097 - Panasonic Toughpad A1 FZ-A1BDAAV1M 16 GB Tablet - 10.1'' - Wireless LAN - Verizon - 4G - Marvell ARMADA PXA2128 1.20 GHz is actually high quality for just what it can do. Enable you to save time and money with decide to purchase at highly regarded online retail stores. Hot Deal SYNX3149097 - Panasonic Toughpad A1 FZ-A1BDAAV1M 16 GB Tablet - 10.1'' - Wireless LAN - Verizon - 4G - Marvell ARMADA PXA2128 1.20 GHz
Price : $1674.73 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Panasonic
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Product ID : 2992155cd4ef374b586b92d3cf95891f
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SYNX3149097 - Panasonic Toughpad A1 FZ-A1BDAAV1M 16 GB Tablet - 10.1'' - Wireless LAN - Verizon - 4G - Marvell ARMADA PXA2128 1.20 GHz Description
FIRST FULLY-RUGGED ANDROID-POWERED TABLET DESIGNED FOR PROFESSIONALS. Introducing the new Android -powered Panasonic Toughpad A1-the fearless new business tablet that goes where no tablet has ever gone before. Combining data and device security; seamless connectivity; enterprise-minded technology and a long legacy of rugged and reliable computing; the new Toughpad A1 is the perfect melding of mind and muscle. The tablet features a MIL-STD-810G and IP65 rugged; water and dust-resistant design for the flexibility to work freely in nearly any environment.
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