2014 Black Friday Deals SYNX3489023 - M&A Technology Companion Touch8 Tablet PC - 10.1'' - Wireless LAN - Intel Celeron 847 1.10 GHz
Finally the SYNX3489023 - M&A Technology Companion Touch8 Tablet PC - 10.1'' - Wireless LAN - Intel Celeron 847 1.10 GHz is quite well made, actually works amazingly, I honestly feel the order will be worth extra money. Hot Offer SYNX3489023 - M&A Technology Companion Touch8 Tablet PC - 10.1'' - Wireless LAN - Intel Celeron 847 1.10 GHz
Price : $550.54 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : M&A Technology
Merchant : DiscountOfficeItems.com
Product ID : eb302e637fe177e079db6542df4cfac4
Rating :
The item functions are outstanding and fulled of premium quality of SYNX3489023 - M&A Technology Companion Touch8 Tablet PC - 10.1'' - Wireless LAN - Intel Celeron 847 1.10 GHz is the great idea that makes it among the item you would pick up purchased. And also, it is likewise friendly budget to your pockets too. You can check out the complete product information and have a look at extra advertisings that have really been upgraded coming from the store through click the link here. You might possibly locate the very cool deal and you can not refuse it, want you get the very good offer.
SYNX3489023 - M&A Technology Companion Touch8 Tablet PC - 10.1'' - Wireless LAN - Intel Celeron 847 1.10 GHz Description
The Companion Touch8 is an Intel-powered classmate convertible developed after years of classroom-based ethnographic research; resulting in a netbook that delivers an innovative learning methodology for students and offers new ways for teachers to engage their students. The Companion PC8 is a perfect option for sustainable one-to-one deployments. It provides one device for E-reading; onscreen annotation/writing and typing using the built-in keyboard.
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This Item Available from 1 Store
Image | Item | Price | |
SYNX3489023 - M&A Technology Companion Touch8 Tablet PC - 10.1'' - Wireless LAN - Intel Celeron 847 1.10 GHz
Merchant : DiscountOfficeItems.com |
$550.54 |