Black Friday Sale SYNX3874919 - Samsung Galaxy Note SM-P600 16 GB Tablet - 10.1'' - Wireless LAN - Samsung Exynos 1.90 GHz - White Don't Miss
SYNX3874919 - Samsung Galaxy Note SM-P600 16 GB Tablet - 10.1'' - Wireless LAN - Samsung Exynos 1.90 GHz - White on sale right now, just check the latest prices comparison along with delivery readily available for aid you in getting the best selection. Hot Deal SYNX3874919 - Samsung Galaxy Note SM-P600 16 GB Tablet - 10.1'' - Wireless LAN - Samsung Exynos 1.90 GHz - White
Price : $530.16 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Samsung
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Product ID : 87640453e326cc12f726a60db0dfcc61
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SYNX3874919 - Samsung Galaxy Note SM-P600 16 GB Tablet - 10.1'' - Wireless LAN - Samsung Exynos 1.90 GHz - White Description
Easy tasking in one view Multi Window Multi Window lets you view multiple applications simultaneously; which you can move around and re-size. It provides the most freeform and flexible interface for flawless multitasking; suitable for even the most task-heavy users. Cascade View offers a flow patterned view of multiple applications (up to 16) adjusting to your daily tasks for flawless apps management. Dual View allows two main apps to be viewed side-by-side vertically or horizontally-- also resizable. Search the web while jotting down your notes; check email while watching a video; continue working on your docs while fielding calls -- your productivity is sky high.
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