Black Friday Deals 2014 Targus Stylus for Tablets and Smartphones (Purple) AMM0122TBUS Instantly
Targus Stylus for Tablets and Smartphones (Purple) AMM0122TBUS is truly really good on precisely what it can do. Protect you money and time through actually buy at highly regarded online merchants. Hot Offer Targus Stylus for Tablets and Smartphones (Purple) AMM0122TBUS
Price : $18.68 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Targus
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Product ID : 0746d43219aa9302f0c7aefc6f7f471c
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Targus Stylus for Tablets and Smartphones (Purple) AMM0122TBUS Description
Targus Stylus for Tablets and Smartphones (Purple) AMM0122TBUS Accessory Type: Stylus Pen Features: Functionality Designed to complement the Targus collection of cases for The new iPad; allows users to type accurately and comfortably; use to take notes, draw or turn a page; soft, durable rubber tip won't scratch screen Compatibility Works on all capacitive touch surfaces; use with iPad, iPod Touch, iPhone and other touch-screen devices Function: Internet Tablet
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Targus Stylus for Tablets and Smartphones (Purple) AMM0122TBUS
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$18.68 |