Black Friday Ads 2014 TARGUS Targus Geo 8 Inch Universal Tablet Sleeve Right Now
Completely the TARGUS Targus Geo 8 Inch Universal Tablet Sleeve is really well designed, functions perfectly, I actually feel the shop for is really worth any extra budget. Hot Deal TARGUS Targus Geo 8 Inch Universal Tablet Sleeve
Price : $39.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
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Merchant : Dell Small Business
Product ID : f38cabd58d77399c156e3f4ee45cff6f
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One of exceptional item is feature TARGUS Targus Geo 8 Inch Universal Tablet Sleeve verified from a bunch of comments directly from actual buyers verified that TARGUS Targus Geo 8 Inch Universal Tablet Sleeve is great and useful item and advantage the cash that they paid. If you have any type of problems concerning the features of the item or want to check the recent price of the product. Just now select the hyperlink below, you will certainly discover a really good offers that obvious.
TARGUS Targus Geo 8 Inch Universal Tablet Sleeve Description
The Targus Geo 8 Inch Universal Tablet Sleeve offers mobile professionals an ultra slim silhouette that protects tablet devices from scuffs and scratches. Smart Design - A unique pull tab ejects the device from the case, saving the everyday commuter time and hassle. Plus, the tablet sleeve features a magnetic closure for added device protection when you are on-the-go. It's in the Details - Along with its handcrafted look, the Geo Tablet Sleeve features a non-scratch patterned interior and soft-to-touch trim. Manufacturer Part# : TSS67312 Dell Part# : A7789762 Compatibility This product is compatible with the following systems: Venue 7 (3730) Venue 7 (3740) Venue 8 (3830) Venue 8 (3840) Venue 8 Pro (5830) Highlights Compatibility: Designed to fit most 8 Inch devices Materials: Durable polyester Ultra slim profile Pull tab tablet ejector Magnetic closure Non-scratch patterned interior Soft-to-touch trim Travel-friendly design Overview The Targus Geo 8 Inch Universal Tablet Sleeve offers mobile professionals an ultra slim silhouette that protects tablet devices from scuffs and scratches. Smart Design - A unique pull tab ejects the device from the case, saving the everyday commuter time and hassle. Plus, the tablet sleeve features a magnetic closure for added device protection when you are on-the-go. It's in the Details - Along with its handcrafted look, the Geo Tablet Sleeve features a non-scratch patterned interior and soft-to-touch trim. Manufacturer Part# : TSS67312 Dell Part# : A7789762 Compatibility This product is compatible with the following systems: Venue 7 (3730) Venue 7 (3740) Venue 8 (3830) Venue 8 (3840) Venue 8 Pro (5830)
Right before you buy TARGUS Targus Geo 8 Inch Universal Tablet Sleeve, you ought to have a look at the attributes of the item, material efficiency, advantages and disadvantages of the product so effectively. By reading through customer reviews of this item, you ought to read many customer reviews. The actual customers encounter of these items will certainly assist you decide successfully, rationally without purchasing mistake and worth for the price.
This Item Available from 1 Store
Image | Item | Price | |
TARGUS Targus Geo 8 Inch Universal Tablet Sleeve
Merchant : Dell Small Business |
$39.99 |