Black Friday 2014 Tech Tent TS1704 Tech Tent Neoprene Tablet Sleeve 10.1" - Blush Pink Rose (TS1704) Instantly
Tech Tent TS1704 Tech Tent Neoprene Tablet Sleeve 10.1" - Blush Pink Rose (TS1704) is truly an extremely good gadgets for a awesome price, worth every dollar. Very pleased. Hot Offer Tech Tent TS1704 Tech Tent Neoprene Tablet Sleeve 10.1" - Blush Pink Rose (TS1704)
Price : $16.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Tech Tent
Merchant : Solid Signal
Product ID : cfe14a4553a5c6267143d35ec73c946f
Rating :
The product elements are excellent and loaded with good quality of Tech Tent TS1704 Tech Tent Neoprene Tablet Sleeve 10.1" - Blush Pink Rose (TS1704) is the great idea that takes it among the product you would get owned. As well as, it is as well friendly budget to your budgets also. You could check the full product description and check out great promotions that have probably been up-dated through the store through click the hyperlink here. You might purchase the exciting deal and you can not refute it, wish you get the amazing deal.
Tech Tent TS1704 Tech Tent Neoprene Tablet Sleeve 10.1" - Blush Pink Rose (TS1704) Description
Youre not boring, so why should your tablet sleeve be? Live beyond the basic black boring tablet sleeve. Protect your tablet in style with the Tech Tent neoprene sleeve in Sea Foam Teal! This fun and durable, yet lightweight sleeve keeps your tablet safe from the bumps and bruises of everyday use. Its easy to carry standalone or within another bag.
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This Item Available from 1 Store
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Tech Tent TS1704 Tech Tent Neoprene Tablet Sleeve 10.1" - Blush Pink Rose (TS1704)
Merchant : Solid Signal |
$16.99 |