Black Friday Sales ThinkPad X Series X230 (343522U) 12.5" Tablet PC Right Now
ThinkPad X Series X230 (343522U) 12.5" Tablet PC available for sale presently, absolutely see the latest prices comparison plus delivery accessible to help you to get the great offer. Hot Offer ThinkPad X Series X230 (343522U) 12.5" Tablet PC
Price : $748.00 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Lenovo
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Product ID : f0b49aed3db7e77a9470f3ec4c2f42f7
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In case you are certainly thinking about to shopping product at a top notch top quality as well as a reasonable budget plan. We extremely recommended ThinkPad X Series X230 (343522U) 12.5" Tablet PC is one of top high quality and more popular product item that you are seeking. Also if you learn it carefully about product information, features and handy customer overviews, of course you should certainly not refuse to get it one. You could check the present price from the link here.
ThinkPad X Series X230 (343522U) 12.5" Tablet PC Description
ThinkPad X Series Intel Core i5 4GB Memory 500GB HDD 12.5" Tablet PC Windows 7 Professional 64-Bit X230 (343522U) Part#: 343522U CPU Speed: 3320M (2.60GHz) Tech: 3MB L3 Cache Max Turbo Frequency 3.3 GHz LCD Features: Anti-glare, LED backlight, 300 nits, 16:9 aspect ratio, 500:1 contrast ratio, IPS, MultiTouch screen supports pen & five-finger gesture WideView (170 degree viewing) , anti-reflective and anti-glare protective coatings, write on screen with standard digitizer pen, pen holder in side base (right) , rotate and swivel hinge, power, reset, and rotation buttons on display bottom Resolution: 1366 x 768 GPU/VPU: Intel HD Graphics 4000 Video Memory: Shared system memory HDD RPM: 7200RPM
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