Black Friday Sales ThL T200 6.0" Android 4.2 3G Smartphone (FHD,ROM 32GB,1.7GHz Octa Core,GPS,Dual SIM,WiFi) Right Now
ThL T200 6.0" Android 4.2 3G Smartphone (FHD,ROM 32GB,1.7GHz Octa Core,GPS,Dual SIM,WiFi) is actually high-quality at precisely what it totally does. Keep you money and time through actually buy at responsible sites online. Hot Deal ThL T200 6.0" Android 4.2 3G Smartphone (FHD,ROM 32GB,1.7GHz Octa Core,GPS,Dual SIM,WiFi)
Price : $293.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
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Merchant : LightInTheBox
Product ID : a395b87983bae7248da18afb8cdbfd22
Rating :
In the case that you are usually thinking about to buying product at an amazing top quality including a reasonable price. We extremely advised ThL T200 6.0" Android 4.2 3G Smartphone (FHD,ROM 32GB,1.7GHz Octa Core,GPS,Dual SIM,WiFi) is one of high quality and more preferred item item that you are searching for. Even if you learn it carefully concerning item detail, attributes and practical customer evaluations, naturally you need to not decline to purchase it one. You could take a look at the recent price via the hyperlink under here.
ThL T200 6.0" Android 4.2 3G Smartphone (FHD,ROM 32GB,1.7GHz Octa Core,GPS,Dual SIM,WiFi) Description
Hardware Platform:MT6592; RAM:2GB; ROM:32GB; Support extend card:32GB; Camera:Dual Camera,13 MP; Front Camera:8 MP; SIM Card Slot:Dual SIM; Display Size (Inch) :6.0; Screen Resolution:1920x1080; Screen Type:IPS; Ringtones Type:MP3,Polyphonic; FM Radio:YES; Stand-by time:Up To 180 hours; Talk time:Up To 3 hours; Announced:2013; Features:Ultra-thin,Long Standby,Narrow Frame,Full HD,Flashlight; Packing List:Rechargeable Li-ion battery,Wired stereo earphones with built-in MIC and clip,Cellphone,User manual - English,Power adapter (110-240V 50/60Hz) ,Phone to USB cable; Screen Size (Inch) :5.6; SIM Card Type:SIM Card; Capacity (mAh) :2500mAh; CPU Type:Octa Core; 2G:GSM (850/900/1800/1900MHz) ; 3G:WCDMA (850/2100MHz) ; Brand:THL; Service Provide:Unlocked; Operating System:Android 4.2; Connectivity:Bluetooth4.0,WIFI,3G; Messaging:MMS,SMS; Dimensions / WxDxH:8.49 x 16.08 x 0.9; Color:White,Black; Net Weight (kg) :0.185; Languages:Thai,Vietnamese,Russian,Malay,Pilipino,Indonesian,Polish,Greek,Czech,Turkish,Hungarian,Italian,Portuguese,German,Japanese,French,English,Dutch,Romanian,Chinese-traditional,Chinese,Korean,Simplified Chinese,Arabic,Spanish
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This Item Available from 1 Store
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ThL T200 6.0" Android 4.2 3G Smartphone (FHD,ROM 32GB,1.7GHz Octa Core,GPS,Dual SIM,WiFi)
Merchant : LightInTheBox |
$293.99 |