Black Friday Online Deals TOTO ABA794L Nexus Air Bath with Polished Chrome Grab Bar LED Light and Polished Chrome Trim
TOTO ABA794L Nexus Air Bath with Polished Chrome Grab Bar LED Light and Polished Chrome Trim that you can buy right now, really find out the latest prices comparison and shipping available for aid you in getting the best selection.
Price : $2424.74 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : TOTO
Merchant : HomeClick
Product ID : f7abeac5b606a59ca53b24a746a540a1
Rating :
When you are usually searching to getting item at an extremely good top quality including an affordable budget plan. We very recommended TOTO ABA794L Nexus Air Bath with Polished Chrome Grab Bar LED Light and Polished Chrome Trim is among premium and even more preferred item product that you are searching for. Also if you study it meticulously regarding item information, functions and handy customer reviews, obviously you must not reject to buy it one. You could take a look at the recent price from the link below.
![TOTO ABA794L Nexus Air Bath with Polished Chrome Grab Bar LED Light and Polished Chrome Trim](
TOTO ABA794L Nexus Air Bath with Polished Chrome Grab Bar LED Light and Polished Chrome Trim Description
The TOTO Clayton Air Bath will provide the bather a soothing, relaxing and refreshing repose uniquely different than any other bath - time experience. The cast - acrylic Clayton Air Bath has smooth lines and a deep bathing well which is accented with a chrome plated solid brass grab bar and 12 individual air jets. The individualized check valve system allows the bather to use soaps, bath oils, salts and other bathing essentials without harming the performance of the air system.Luxuriously deep bathing well Cast - acrylic construction provides years of durability Slip - resistant surface 1 hp ultra - quiet blower 300W heated air injection system Final purge drying cycle to clean each air jet Chrome plated solid brass grab bar Multi functional keypad - normal, pulsating and oscillation modesApplication: Drop - in Collection: Nexus Depth: 18" Has Overflow: Yes Height: 20.25" Jets: 16 Length: 71.38" Material: Acrylic Max Water Capacity: 100 gal Number of Bathers: 1 Tub Shape: Oval Width: 35.44"
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TOTO ABA794L Nexus Air Bath with Polished Chrome Grab Bar LED Light and Polished Chrome Trim
Merchant : HomeClick |
$2424.74 | ![]() |