Black Friday Ads 2014 Toto ABA794L#01N Cotton Nexus Nexus 71-3/8" Acrylic Air Bathtub for Right Now
Toto ABA794L#01N Cotton Nexus Nexus 71-3/8" Acrylic Air Bathtub for on sale right now, actually look at most recent selling prices comparison and shipping readily available for help you to get the best bargain.
Price : $2299.80 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Toto
Merchant :
Product ID : 56e78e2b88c1c2e2f068304b140b9916
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Along with excellent product is feature Toto ABA794L#01N Cotton Nexus Nexus 71-3/8" Acrylic Air Bathtub for authorized from a lot of opinions from real users verified that Toto ABA794L#01N Cotton Nexus Nexus 71-3/8" Acrylic Air Bathtub for is great and functional product and actually worth the cash that they spent. If you have any kind of problems concerning the features of the item or want to inspect the existing price of this product. Exactly select the web link below, you shall discover a affordable offers that certain.

Toto ABA794L#01N Cotton Nexus Nexus 71-3/8" Acrylic Air Bathtub for Description
Product Features:Toto tubs are fully covered under warranty for up to a year after installationTub constructed of lightweight and durable cast acrylic materialAir bath - heated air injection system gives the user a unique, relaxing bathing experienceAn ultra-quiet variable-speed blower allows you to adjust the air injection intensity to 5 different levelsPulsating massage setting alternates between high and low air injection intensity levelsOscillating massage setting alternates between each air injection intensity levelDeeper bathing well when compared with most other bath tubsBlower controls feature a final purge and drying cycle that cleans each air jetDrop-in installation type provides for easy and secure installationA textured slip-resistant bottom takes the worry out of slipping and sliding as you move about the tubEquipped with an overflow assembly permitting the user to enjoy a deep soak without worrying about spillageProduct Meet or Exceeds the Following Codes/Standards: ASME A112.19.7M, CSA B45.10, UL 1795 and CSA C22.2 #218.2This tub does not include a grab bar A if you would like one please order THU5140 in whichever finish you desire. (This will be suggested when you add the tub to your cart) Product Technologies / Benefits:Material - Acrylic: A strong, flex resistant material with a smooth finish that resists chipping and cracking, as well as being easy to clean.Air Injection: Air injection technology pushes air through airjets positioned along the perimeter of the bath, creating thousands of bubbles for a range of physical and visual sensations. Air Injection tubs offer a more invigorating experience over standard effervescence technology.Product Specifications:Overall Height: 24-3/16" (mea
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