Black Friday Deals 2014 Toto ABA794R#01T Cotton Nexus Nexus 71-3/8" Acrylic Air Bathtub for Review
With Toto ABA794R#01T Cotton Nexus Nexus 71-3/8" Acrylic Air Bathtub for you exactly are conscious of the features which will meet you really need, suggested it is actually a good product for value.
Price : $2560.20 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Toto
Merchant :
Product ID : 63b4cf707f836d1975fc1eae3578b108
Rating :

The product features are exceptional and loadeded with quality of Toto ABA794R#01T Cotton Nexus Nexus 71-3/8" Acrylic Air Bathtub for is the great idea that gets it one of the product you may really get had. Increased, it is likewise friendly budget to your budgets too. You could see the full item information and look into excellent advertisings that have possibly been up-dated coming from the store via click the web link here. You might possibly buy the stimulating offer and you could not reject it, desire you have the excellent offer.

Toto ABA794R#01T Cotton Nexus Nexus 71-3/8" Acrylic Air Bathtub for Description
Product Features:Toto tubs are fully covered under warranty for up to a year after installationTub constructed of lightweight and durable cast acrylic materialAir bath - heated air injection system gives the user a unique, relaxing bathing experienceAn ultra-quiet variable-speed blower allows you to adjust the air injection intensity to 5 different levelsPulsating massage setting alternates between high and low air injection intensity levelsOscillating massage setting alternates between each air injection intensity levelDeeper bathing well when compared with most other bath tubsBlower controls feature a final purge and drying cycle that cleans each air jetDrop-in installation type provides for easy and secure installationA textured slip-resistant bottom takes the worry out of slipping and sliding as you move about the tubEquipped with an overflow assembly permitting the user to enjoy a deep soak without worrying about spillageProduct Meet or Exceeds the Following Codes/Standards: ASME A112.19.7M, CSA B45.10, UL 1795 and CSA C22.2 #218.2This tub does not include a grab bar A if you would like one please order THU5140 in whichever finish you desire. (This will be suggested when you add the tub to your cart) Product Technologies / Benefits:Material - Acrylic: A strong, flex resistant material with a smooth finish that resists chipping and cracking, as well as being easy to clean.Air Injection: Air injection technology pushes air through airjets positioned along the perimeter of the bath, creating thousands of bubbles for a range of physical and visual sensations. Air Injection tubs offer a more invigorating experience over standard effervescence technology.LED Lighting: LED Lighting technology gives a unique look and feel t
Before you buy Toto ABA794R#01T Cotton Nexus Nexus 71-3/8" Acrylic Air Bathtub for, you should look into the attributes of the product, building material functionality, pros and cons of the item so well. By reading customer reviews of this product, you ought to research several customer reviews. The authentic customers encounter of these items shall help you come to a decision successfully, logically without purchasing blunder and worth for the value.