Black Friday Ads 2014 TOTO ABY794N Nexus 6" Acrylic Soaker Tub Only Right Now
TOTO ABY794N Nexus 6" Acrylic Soaker Tub Only is definitely a very good items for a awesome deal, worth the cost. Completely pleased. Hot Offer TOTO ABY794N Nexus 6" Acrylic Soaker Tub Only
Price : $1095.56 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : TOTO
Merchant : HomeClick
Product ID : 919c9ba0042b1b7b15f73d8e4de3b53e
Rating :
The item features are exceptional and packed with top-notch of TOTO ABY794N Nexus 6" Acrylic Soaker Tub Only is the weighty factor that allows it one of the item you will acquire owned. Along with, it is as well friendly budget to your pockets also. You could check out the complete product information and look at extra deals that have possibly been improved through the shop using click the web link below. You might possibly view the stimulating deal and you can not reject it, want you have the good offer.
TOTO ABY794N Nexus 6" Acrylic Soaker Tub Only Description
The TOTO Nexus Soaker Bathtub will provide the bather a soothing, relaxing and refreshing repose uniquely different than any other bath - time experience. The cast - acrylic Nexus Soaker Bathtub has smooth lines and a deep bathing well which can be accented with an optional chrome plated solid brass grab bar.Luxuriously deep bathing well Cast - acrylic construction provides years of durability Slip - resistant surface Optional Chrome plated solid brass grab barDrain Placement: Center Installation Type: Drop-In Length: 71-3 8
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This Item Available from 1 Store
Image | Item | Price | |
TOTO ABY794N Nexus 6" Acrylic Soaker Tub Only
Merchant : HomeClick |
$1095.56 |