Black Friday Online Deals Toto ABY794N#12N Sedona Beige Nexus Nexus 71-3/8" Acrylic Soaking
Toto ABY794N#12N Sedona Beige Nexus Nexus 71-3/8" Acrylic Soaking available on the market instantly, take a moment to take a look at current prices comparison as well as delivery readily available for aid you in getting the best bargain.
Price : $1204.20 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Toto
Merchant :
Product ID : 5464869cf324bb910ed9e501c1471942
Rating :
In the case that you are certainly thinking about to buying product with a good quality together with a sensible price. We extremely suggested Toto ABY794N#12N Sedona Beige Nexus Nexus 71-3/8" Acrylic Soaking is one of top-notch and additional prominent product product that you are searching for. Also if you study it very carefully about item specification, attributes and helpful consumer overviews, naturally you should certainly not reject to acquire it one. You can inspect the present price via the link here.
![Toto ABY794N#12N Sedona Beige Nexus Nexus 71-3/8](
Toto ABY794N#12N Sedona Beige Nexus Nexus 71-3/8" Acrylic Soaking Description
Product Features:Toto tubs are fully covered under warranty for up to a year after installationTub constructed of lightweight and durable cast acrylic materialSoaker bathtub - provides user a relaxing and rejuvenating bathing experienceDeeper bathing well when compared with most other bath tubsDrop-in installation type provides for easy and secure installationA textured slip-resistant bottom takes the worry out of slipping and sliding as you move about the tubEquipped with an overflow assembly permitting the user to enjoy a deep soak without worrying about spillageProduct Meet or Exceeds the Following Codes/Standards: ANSI Z124.1.2 and CSA B45This tub does not include a grab bar A if you would like one please order THU5140 in whichever finish you desire. (This will be suggested when you add the tub to your cart) Product Technologies / Benefits:Material - Acrylic: A strong, flex resistant material with a smooth finish that resists chipping and cracking, as well as being easy to clean.Product Specifications:Overall Height: 23-13/16" (measured from the top of tub rim to the bottom of basin) Overall Width: 35-7/16" (measured from back most to front most point on outer rim) Overall Length: 71-3/8" (measured from left most to right most point on outer rim) Basin Width (Bottom) : 25-13/16" (back to front measurement of the bottom of basin walls) Basin Length (Bottom) : 51-3/8" (right to left measurement of the bottom of basin walls) Basin Width (Top) : 28-1/32" (back to front measurement of the top of basin walls) Water Depth: 20-1/4" (depth of water at tubAs maximum capacity) Maximum Water Capacity: 100 A gallonsDrain Location: CenterVariations:ABY794NN: This
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