Black Friday Ads 2014 Toto CST794SF#03 Bone Nexus Nexus 1.6 GPF Two Piece Elongated Toilet - Don't Miss
If you have to compared device abilities and value. The Toto CST794SF#03 Bone Nexus Nexus 1.6 GPF Two Piece Elongated Toilet - is a wonderful option to pay for.
Price : $616.80 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Toto
Merchant :
Product ID : a3ff6cf76f1dddd863a323c198364806
Rating :
When you are likely taking into consideration to shopping product at an extremely good high quality as well as an affordable budget plan. We very advised this Toto CST794SF#03 Bone Nexus Nexus 1.6 GPF Two Piece Elongated Toilet - is one of top-notch and even more prominent product product that you are trying to find. Also if you learn it meticulously regarding product description, functions and helpful customer comments, certainly you have to not reject to get it one. You could check out the up to date price via the hyperlink below.
![Toto CST794SF#03 Bone Nexus Nexus 1.6 GPF Two Piece Elongated Toilet -](
Toto CST794SF#03 Bone Nexus Nexus 1.6 GPF Two Piece Elongated Toilet - Description
Product Features: Two-piece configuration eases installation and maintenanceElongated bowls provide an extra 1-1/2" compared to the traditional round bowlCovered under Toto s one year limited warrantyMade from durable and easy-to-clean vitreous chinaFloor mounted installation type provides for fast and easy installationGravity flush type is both easy to use and effectively clears wasteADA compliantConcealed trapway A providing a smoother and less utilitarian appearance, a built in skirt hides the discharge passageway from viewProduct Technologies / Benefits: G-Max Flush Technology: Simple and efficient, Toto s G-Max flushing system has been the envy of the industry since it was introduced. This powerful gravity flush system is designed to do one thing; clear waste efficiently. Choose the system preferred by professionals and the most discriminating homeowners, G-Max from Toto.Product Specifications: Overall Height: 32-1/2" (measured from the bottom of the base to the highest point on the toilet) Overall Length: 28" (measured from the back of the tank to the front of the rim) Overall Width: 17-7/8" (measured from the furthest point on the left to the furthest on the right) Bowl Height: 17-1/8" (measured from the bottom of the base to the rim) Flow Rate: 1.6 GPF (gallons-per-flush) Water Area: 10-1/4" x 8-1/4" (inner rim dimensions length X width) Tank Width: 17-7/8" (measured from left most to right most points on tank) Tank Length: 7-1/4" (measured from back most to front most points on tank) Trapway (Discharge Passageway) Size: 2"Distance Between Toilet Seat Installation Holes: 5-1/2"About Toto:For over 90 years Toto has been producing superbly designed, high-pe
If you call for information and facts regarding the pros and cons referring to Toto CST794SF#03 Bone Nexus Nexus 1.6 GPF Two Piece Elongated Toilet -. The easiest way is you could watch it directly from the customer reviews of this product. The real encounters of users which making use of the items that just how they give score for this item and what they like and not like on this item. One of the most important is this item can probably be done with exactly just as you require or otherwise. This is one of the crucial information you should discover.