Black Friday Sale Toughbook Cf-C2cc-05cm Tablet Pc CFC2CC05CM
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Price : $2308.00 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Panasonic
Merchant : CompSource
Product ID : 592c029a405d3b1ed2b9447f852158f0
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Toughbook Cf-C2cc-05cm Tablet Pc CFC2CC05CM Description
Panasonic Toughbook C2 Cf-C2cc-05cm Tablet Pc - 12.5 - In-Plane Switching (Ips) Technology - Wireless Lan - Intel Core I5 I5-4300u 1.90 Ghz - 4 Gb Ram - 500 Gb Hdd - Windows 7 Professional - Convertible - 1366 X 768 Multi-Touch Screen Display (Led B"
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This Item Available from 1 Store
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Toughbook Cf-C2cc-05cm Tablet Pc CFC2CC05CM
Merchant : CompSource |
$2308.00 |