Black Friday Deals 2014 Trio Stealth G4 8 GB Tablet - 7.9" - Wireless LAN - ARM Cortex A7 1.5
With this Trio Stealth G4 8 GB Tablet - 7.9" - Wireless LAN - ARM Cortex A7 1.5 you really to determine the positive aspects which deal with you are required, immensely important it actually is a good product for value.
Price : $120.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Mach Speed Technologies, Inc
Merchant :
Product ID : 85419642e7eb17529bbffe9798435db7
Rating :

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Trio Stealth G4 8 GB Tablet - 7.9" - Wireless LAN - ARM Cortex A7 1.5 Description
Introducing the first tablet in our new line - the Trio Stealth G4 7.85. Loaded with the Google Play store, you will find over 1,000,000 apps and games for everyone at your fingertips. Powered with a quad core processor, you will enjoy faster accessibility at an affordable price. Manufacturer: Mach Speed Technologies, Inc Manufacturer Part Number: Trio Stealth G4 7.85 Manufacturer Website Address: Brand Name: Trio Product Line: Stealth G4 Product Name: Stealth G4 Tablet Product Type: Tablet Processor & Chipset: Processor Manufacturer: ARM Processor & Chipset: Processor Type: Cortex A7 Processor & Chipset: Processor Core: Quad-core (4 Core) Memory: Memory Technology: DDR3 SDRAM Memory: Memory Card Reader: Yes Storage: Optical Drive Type: No Display & Graphics: Screen Mode: WSVGA Display & Graphics: Display Screen Type: Active Matrix TFT Color LCD Display & Graphics: Aspect Ratio: 128:75 Display & Graphics: Touchscreen: Yes Display & Graphics: Multi-touch Screen: Yes Network & Communication: Wireless LAN: Yes Network & Communication: Wireless LAN Standard: IEEE 802.11b/g/n Network & Communication: Bluetooth: Yes Network & Communication: Bluetooth Standard: Bluetooth 4.0 Interfaces/Ports: HDMI: No Input Devices: Front Camera/Webcam: Yes
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