Black Friday 2014 Deals Turcom 8" x 5" Huion Graphic Drawing Touch Tablet with Capture Pen Don't Miss
Turcom 8" x 5" Huion Graphic Drawing Touch Tablet with Capture Pen is really a very good stuff at the good deal, worth every penny. Really satisfied.
Price : $48.99 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand : Turcom
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Product ID : 9293ace8d1bfeb4bc351213be38b2e73
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Turcom 8" x 5" Huion Graphic Drawing Touch Tablet with Capture Pen Description
This precision tool of graphic artists, illustrators, and drafters provides you the opportunity to gain precise control of your cursor to draw more accurately while efficiently reducing the chance of RSI (repetitive strain injuries) . Great for whiteboard demonstrations, document annotation, free hand illustration and use in conjunction with a wide array of graphic arts, photo editing and publishing software. Allows editing digital photos, painting and drawing with the natural feel of a pen on paperActive drawing area: 8" x 5"Resolution (LPI) : 4000Report rate speed (RPS) : 200Pressure sensitivity: 2048Easy to install, easy to use, and spectacular results.Compatible with Windows 2000, XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Mac OS X 10.3.5 and later (including Snow Leopard!) Word Annotate and possibly other tools are not compatible with Windows 7. Colors/finish: BlackMaterials: PlasticWeight: 2 lbsQuantity: 1Setting: IndoorDimensions: 12" x 10" x 2"Model: TS-6580B
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