Black Friday 2014 Deals Ultra Matte Anti Fingerprint Screen Protector for iPhone 4/4S (1 Front 1 Back) Right Now
Ultra Matte Anti Fingerprint Screen Protector for iPhone 4/4S (1 Front 1 Back) is extremely an excellent items at the amazing selling price, worth every penny. Awfully happy.
Price : $2.76 (price as of : 2014-11-09)
Brand :
Merchant : LightInTheBox
Product ID : 1d901d3eb0ba6f2c2a6c6288774b1c46
Rating :

The product features are exceptional and filled with top quality of Ultra Matte Anti Fingerprint Screen Protector for iPhone 4/4S (1 Front 1 Back) is the significant idea that allows it among the product you would really get had. And, it is also friendly-budget to your budgets too. You can view the complete product explanation and take a look at wonderful promos that have possibly been upgraded directly from the site through click the link here. You may view the beneficial offer and you could not refuse it, want you get the awesome deal.

Ultra Matte Anti Fingerprint Screen Protector for iPhone 4/4S (1 Front 1 Back) Description
TYPE:Screen Protector; Compatible Models:iPhone 4/4S; Dimensions (cm) :11.2 x 5.5 x 0.01; Weight (kg) :0.002
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